Tag Archives: OEM

Pros and Cons – OEM Maintenance Vs. Third-Party Maintenance

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What’s the difference between OEM Maintenance and Third Party Maintenance? A comparison between support through original equipment manufacturers OEM Maintenance and third party maintenance providers (TPMs) might show you some of the basic differences between the two, but this comparison is going to dig a little deeper into the specifics of what you can expect […]

Symbiosis for OEMs and Manufacturers

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Strong relationships can enable both to prosper as OEMs and suppliers broaden their scope and educate manufacturers about fast-moving and complex automation advancements. It means they may not have the time or resources to stay informed about. Automation technology advancements have increased so quickly in the last decade. Thus, the speed and quantity of new […]

How Should Vendors Handle Service Issues With Machine Builders’ Customers?

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How Should Vendors Handle Service Issues With Machine Builders’ Customers? Service often is a point of contention between OEM machine builders and their vendors. Besides the usual haggling between a vendor and a customer, there’s the added complication of a third party, namely the OEM’s customer. Should the vendor primarily support the OEM or the […]

Strengthening OEM Supply Chains for Challenging Times

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Global supply chains are being impacted by COVID-19. In order to more effectively recover from the issues caused by the global pandemic and sustain success in the future, strengthening the resilience and agility of the OEM supply chains is a must. Global supply chains of OEMs from automakers and heavy equipment producers to electrical equipment […]

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